Finding the ideal photocopier for your office might seem complicated. There is a wide range of brands of photocopiers available for you to choose from and it makes choosing the best copier for your company a laborious process. However, these questions are a jump-start point to ensure you select the right photocopy machine Malaysia for your company.

1. Do you plan to buy or rent a photocopy machine?

This question is usually one of the most important questions to ask when you’re planning to invest in a photocopier for your office. Both options- up-front purchase and renting- have their own advantages as well as disadvantages. First off, if you choose to purchase a photocopier, then you’ll only have to pay it once, but it could cost a large expense, especially for a smaller business. But if you choose to rent the photocopier instead, you could devise a monthly payment for a duration agreed upon in a predetermined contract with a photocopier rental company Malaysia. Renting a photocopier allows you to manage your monthly expenses better, keep your equipment up-to-date and keep up with your competitors in terms of the technology you own.

2. Does the photocopier meet your printing needs?

Each business has its own need in terms of copy and printing. It is important to note that there is no one size fits all machine when it comes to the photocopy machine. Therefore, it is crucial to understand your company’s printing needs before buying or leasing a photocopy machine. First, conduct a thorough analysis of your current print environment to see your monthly printing needs. This includes data such as the number of pages your company prints, the number of employees using each device, how often you print in mono or colour and the security measures in the photocopier Malaysia you currently own.

An in-house print analysis is possible, but often the safest and convenient method is to refer to a photocopy machine provider. These experts can provide essential details related to your printing needs and make recommendations of which photocopier is the best for you, and at the same time, also fits right in your budget.

3. Does the photocopier have the best security?

Office printers are often underestimated in terms of the cybersecurity risk it face. Photocopiers hold crucial company data, similar to your PCs and laptops. Therefore, it needs the same level of protection and security. To guarantee the safety of your company’s data, you need to invest in a photocopier with cutting-edge security. Consider the safety and security features of a copier before choosing one and additional protections which will benefit you in the long run.

4. What extra functions does the photocopier need?

Now you’ve made the decision to consider several photocopiers which best suit your office. However, there’s still the final process of choosing which add ons and accessories you might need for your daily office use. The most common required additional features today include Wifi capabilities, hole punching, stapling, touchpads, password access and duplex printing. The decision of which feature is the most important for you, again, relies on the analysis of your current printing needs.

For more information about Photocopier Rental Malaysia, please visit