Event management  is managing and planning for a program that involves main guest and audience / audience.

Types of Events:

  • Official

An event organized by the Federal Government or the State Government that is approved

Government provision.

  • Official and formal

Events / activities whose source of funding is from the Government such as working days from Monday to Friday at the office, out of office, ceremonial, banquet (night or weekend) which is officially off working). Event  involving State / State officials and full compliance with aspects of the protocol.

  • Formal and Informal

Events / activities whose resources are provided by the Government such as field trips, tours and events inauguration. There is little flexibility in terms of protocol.

  • Unofficial

It is an event organized by Government / private agencies that does not involve the provision

Government as well as protocol aspects.

  • Unofficial But Formal

Events / activities whose source is not from the Government such as individuals or organizations / clubs. Event attended by nominees from the Federal and State Priorities List (refer to that list current).

  • Partially Official

Events / activities such as sports and recreational tournaments in which some sources of funding from the Government and partly from donations by sports club money or organization.

For more information about Event Management Kuala Lumpur, please visit https://www.sundigitalevents.my/