For weddings of course you want a lively atmosphere and often the PA system is the choice of the bride’s family to entertain the guests present. Here are some guidelines when choosing a PA system provider:

Know your needs:


Hall: make sure your PA system provider has a good sound system / PA system due to the nature of the sound which can resonate in the hall. In addition to a good PA system, you can see if the hall has a good sound absorber system or not.

Home / outdoor: when at home / outdoor area of ​​the place plays an important role. For a spacious place make sure your PA system provider has more than just 2 speakers because you do not want too loud noise in one area and slow in another area. There is always too much noise in some areas just to convey the sound throughout the house. In addition, make sure your PA system provider has a strong PA system for areas that are too large.

Karaoke or no karaoke?

Depending on your family, if your family likes karaoke then your event will be more lively. But be reminded that not everyone who likes karaoke sounds delicious !! An experienced emcee / deejay will limit the appropriate time for karaoke, usually before the bride and groom arrive and after the ceremony and a peaceful meal.

The karaoke system is also important if you decide to provide karaoke to guests. Make sure your PA system provider has a wide selection of songs and is quick to handle the selection of singers. It is best for your PA system provider to use a computer to avoid getting stuck in the CD problem and to change the selected song faster.

Other important things:

You should see for yourself the setup of your PA system provider and when they are in action. Ask permission to join your PA system provider when they conduct the event. So you can see for yourself their suitability for your event and make sure their PA system is good to hear or not. The brand of the PA system is not very important but how they make the setup or tuning of the PA system is more important.

Tell the schedule of your ceremony to the PA system provider before the day of the ceremony. If there is a romantic song of your choice, make sure you inform in advance so that your PA system provider can be ready. Do not download yourself and submit on the day of the ceremony because the music from the mp3 you download is sometimes of poor quality. Also provide your information and complete family for your emcee to announce during the event.

For more information about pa system rental malaysia, please visit