You’ve determined that compressed air is required for your present application. You’ve also determined how much air you’ll require, how you’ll drive the compressor, and what engine you’ll use to power it. It’s now time to determine which sort of air compressor is most suited to your requirements!

There are three types of air compressors that are widely used in mobile industrial applications:

  • Piston Compressors, Reciprocating
  • Compressors with Rotary Screws
  • Compressors with Rotary Vanes

Each of these air compressors has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, which we shall discuss in this post.


Most people are aware of reciprocating compressors, which are the most common form of air compressor utilized in mobile applications. There are several manufacturers and suppliers globally, giving a plethora of alternatives.


Reciprocal air compressors have the lowest initial purchase price of the three compressor types. They are appropriate for low-duty cycle activities. Most reciprocating compressors, unlike many vane and screw compressors, can be maintained or rebuilt in the field using basic hand tools.


When compared to compressors of the same CFM, reciprocating compressors are often the biggest and heaviest. They have the most moving components and, like the vane compressor, suffer from increasing levels of oil carryover. Because of the way reciprocating compressors generate air, further aftertreatment is necessary to minimize air temperatures and pulsation before the compressed air reaches your tools and equipment. A reciprocating air compressor also necessitates the use of an air receiver tank, which takes up more space.


Rotary screw compressors were traditionally found in fixed applications and were not often used in mobile applications. But times have changed! Rotary screw compressors are becoming more economical, and their benefits are being more widely recognised across a wide range of sectors. Rotary screw air compressors are now employed in a wide range of industrial applications and are made by businesses all over the world..


Rotary screw compressors are well-known for their long life and high air flow delivery in a small package. Rotary screw compressors are well suited for high duty cycle applications since they are designed to work continuously. In general, a screw compressor does not require an air receiver tank to function. Rotary screw air compressors feature fewer worn components than other compressor designs, and maintenance often consists of replacing filters and oil.


Rotary screw compressors have a greater starting cost than other compressor types, but they last longer since they have fewer worn components. Because most screw compressors used in mobile applications are oil-injected, they have their own lubrication circuit. As a result, the oil used is compressor-specific, and the system will require frequent maintenance.


The rotary vane compressor is the least frequent of the three major compressor types encountered in mobile applications. When compared to reciprocating compressors, there are fewer manufacturers of vane compressors, and servicing parts might be more difficult to locate.


The rotary vane air compressor, like the rotary screw compressor, has fewer moving parts than a reciprocating choice. When comparing equivalent CFM compressors, vane compressors are smaller in size than reciprocating and rotary screw compressors. They are intended for continuous use and provide relatively pulsation-free air flow to your tools or equipment. In general, rotary vane compressors have a lower initial purchase cost.


Oil carry-over rises with service time, as it does with other worn compressors. To prevent this from happening, a complete rebuild is necessary, which is an expensive operation. It might also be difficult to locate servicing parts and assistance.

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